Bronze And Commemorative Plaques
Creating a tribute plaque is a way to honor and pay tribute in a public setting. Choices range from quality granite to cast metals, such as bronze and aluminum and other natural stone materials. Tribute plaques can be displayed at any approved location, such as schools, churches, parks, businesses, cemeteries or at your home. They can be customized and personalized in any way you can imagine.


Keith Monument Tribute Sign

Armed Forces Military Plaque

Boulder with Plaque and Etching

Trinity High School Sign

Tribute Memorial Plaque

Orpheum Tribute Signs

Orpheum Theater Sign

Orpheum Benefactor Sign

Old Forester Distilling Company Sign

Military Dogs Sign

James Neal Clark Sign

Freeman Lake Park Three Bronze Signs

Elizabethtown Kentucky Circular Bronze Sign with Tree

Church Health Center Memphis Tennessee

Battalion Awards Plaque